Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program.; STUNED; NFP.
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant subject from a recognised university.
Professional experience required: Preferably 3 years of practical or research work experience.
Language requirements: TOEFL (minimum score: 550 + TWE 4.5 paper, 213 computer, 83 internet.); IELTS (minimum score: 6)
Objectives: To provide scientists and engineers, interested in aquatic research and development, with a knowledge and understanding of the structure and functioning of aquatic and wetland ecosystems for their management and wise use, and interact with stakeholders, managers and policy-makers for the development of best practices.
Subjects: Introduction environmental science (natural processes, human dimensions, analytical tools); environmental systems analysis; wetlands for water quality; ecology of streams & rivers; lake ecology; fishpond management & fish parasites; wetland & floodplain ecology; water quality monitoring & bio-indicators; MSc preparatory course; MSc proposal writing; MSc thesis.
Modes of instruction: Lectures, exercises, computer workshops, laboratory sessions, fieldwork, fieldtrip, group work.