Joint Japan World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program.; STUNED; NFP.
Educational requirements: BSc degree in an engineering discipline (civil, chemical, mechanical, environmental or equivalent) from a recognised university.
Professional experience required: Preferably 3 years of practical or research work experience.
Language requirements: TOEFL (minimum score: 550 or 213 or 80.); IELTS (minimum score: 6.0.)
Objectives: The course aims at educating mid-career professionals to deal with the technical aspects of drinking water treatment and distribution in an integrated approach.
Subjects: Integrated urban water management; project cycle and management; process technology; unit operations; groundwater resources and treatment; surface water treatment; water treatment processes and plants; water transport and distribution; decentralized water supply and sanitation.
Modes of instruction: Lectures, exercises, computer workshops, laboratory sessions, fieldwork, fieldtrip, group work.