EU Law in the World Economy: Universiteit Maastricht, P.O. Box 616 , 6200 MD, Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands
LLM 31 - (0)43-3884891 31 - (0)43-3883036
European Law and Policy: The Hague University of Applied Sciences, MAELP, The Hague University, PO box 13336, 2501 EN, The Hague, Netherlands
MA +31(0) 70 445 7951 or 8194 +31(0) 70 445 8900 or 8853
International & European Law: The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Hague University, International Office, Johanna Westerdijkplein 75, P.O. Box 13336 2501 EH, The Hague, Netherlands
Bachelor of Law +31 70 445 85 94 +31 70 445 85 05
International and Comparative Private Law: University of Groningen, LLM programmes, Faculty of Law, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 716, 9700 AS, Groningen, Netherlands
LLM 31 - (0)50-3637408 31 - (0)50-3635243
International and European Labour Law: Tilburg University, Faculty of Law, Tilburg University, Post box 90153, 5000 LE, Tilburg, Netherlands
LLM +31 (0)13 466 3143 +31 (0)13 466 8131
International and European Law: University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Law School, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam, P. O. Box 1030, 1000 BA, Amsterdam, Netherlands
LLM 31 - (0)20-5253360 31 - (0)20-5253359
International and European Law: Utrecht University, Utrecht University School of Law, Faculty of Law, Economics and Governance, Janskerkhof 3, 3512 BK, Utrecht, Netherlands
LLM 31 - (0)30-253 7005 31 - (0)30-253 7289
International and European Public Law: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus University Rotterdam, ESL Student Information Centre, Burg. Oudlaan 50, Room L5-069, P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR, Rotterdam, Netherlands
LLM +31 (0) 10 408 9175 +31 (0) 10 4089764
International and European Public Law: Tilburg University, Faculty of Law, Tilburg University, Post box 90153, 5000 LE, Tilburg, Netherlands
LLM +31 (0)13 466 3143 +31 (0)13 466 2290