University of Stuttgart, Institut für Mechanik (Bauwesen), Mr Prof. Dr.-Ing Christian Miehe, Pfaffenwaldring 7, 70550 Stuttgart
Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures is concerned with the simulation of advanced engineering problems using modelling techniques, computer implementation, experimental verification and case study investigation. This Master of Science programme provides the basis of high tech engineering design for a broad spectrum of applications.
This dramatically expanding area of science induces a large number of research activities and is accompanied by strong international cooperations.
Graduates of this unique Master' s programme will be qualified to find employment in a wide range of professions, e.g. as research and development engineers or technical advising managers in industry, at laboratories or universities.
The entire Master's programme can be studied in English and takes one and a half years (three semester) including a one-semester thesis. COMMAS has been designed to be a very compact graduate programme. It also attracts people who already have finished other studies to gain expertise in the promising field of Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures.