Information Technology: Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
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- Degree
- Master of Science
- Address
- Information Technology: Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, Hochschule Mannheim, Yolanda Mateos Ortega, Windeckstraße 110, Mannheim, 68163, Germany
- Ads
- Subject
- Information technology and Telecommunication
- Course Language(s)
- German, English, Spanish
- Course Beginning
- Winter semester (October) and summer semester (mid-March)
- Duration
- 3 semester
- App Deadline
- Candidates with a degree from a non-EU university: May 15 for winter semester, November 15 for summer semester; Candidates with a degree from an EU university: July 15 for winter semester, January 15 for summer semester
- Submit Application To
Hochschule Mannheim, z. Hd. Frau Y. Mateos Ortega, Postfach 10/180, Koordinatorin für ausländische Studierende, Fakultät für Informationstechnik, Windeckstraße 110, 68163 Mannheim, Germany
- Telephone
- +49.621.292.6139
- Fax
- +49.621.292.661.392
- E-mail
- Website
The Master of Science in Information Technology has been designed as a full-time study course with a modular organisation and stands out due to the integrated intensive language training in German for foreign students, taught parallel to the technical subjects.
The subjects available are divided into different focus areas:
- Sensor Electronics
- Broadband Communications
- Biomedical Engineering
- Communication Systems
- Digital Signal Processing
- Embedded Systems
Essential and specific knowledge in electronics, telecommunications and computer-based information systems (both hardware and software)
Profound specialisation permitting access to Ph.D. studies.
Employability as main goal:
- optimal reproduction of the great variety of duties IT professionals perform, as well as conveying indispensable key skills for the professional career
Special feature:
- actual integration of foreign students due to their command of German, multicultural skills for all participants
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Information Technology: Mannheim University of Applied Sciences' also found interest in following institutions . . .